More 140 character gems from the longing female hearts of teenage rage...

So there, Hayley sets it straight with regards to which location can get what out of Bieber. Shirtless wins.

Let's stay on this shirtless theme. Chanelle's mum knows what's up. Ladies are on the prowl young and old, boys.

And that's why you're on #skaterboifridays, qurl.

Polite and to the point. That's the kind of girl you need.

You find one by using the #skaterboifridays hashtag.

Sk8rboi prostitution is your fallback when that pro career doesn't work out.

Ya'll ok being the side ho to the baseball boyfriend?

While I'm looking around for these silly skater boy Tweets, sometimes I find things that just make me wanne puke.

So all teenie boppers want their life to be a Disney movie.

We're so cunning and mysterious when we push off into the dense fog like that.

Damn, people rolling on those are being called skater boys, too? We're losing the skateboard cool battle, ya'll.

That's right, help those lost ladies out.

Qurl needs a skateboard sugar daddy.

Another note to yourself: maybe stop wearing the Vans shirt and beanie.

Until next week...