What are teenie bopperz thankful for this week? You know it, sk8rboiz! Looks like Bieber is out there shredding this week, too. It's another Friday and another digital love call for us.

An appropriate Thanksgiving Day Tweet.

Bieber remains in sk8rboi newz this week.

All around the world, they're thankful for us!

Watch your back, boyz.

Only skateboarders can keep something as disgusting as smoking cool.

Don't be scared, qurl, come get it.

Apparently, Bieber was shredding this week.

Burritos fuel the pop. One of those 65257517 was definitely Joey Brezinski.

If you were in Florida, you could date them like all these other girls.

Make up your mind, qurl.

Best hashtag ever: #YouDontEvenGottaSkateDoe

One's going to break your heart soon.

Your poor mom is the subject of the song.

More thankfulness, but only for the Arian brotherhood.

They're born with the love, and it never goes away.

Right here, Shakespeare!

Until next week, qurls.