You know the fine folks that have been doing the skateboard shindig in Copenhagen for the past seven years? Year after year, many of your favorite pros refer to that as one of the best pro contests of the year. We certainly think the same. This year, they're changing it up a bit. It's the CPH Bowl and will be held in a new transition structure built inside the Copenhagen Skatepark. The dates have just been set for August 28 - 31. Note: These dates are different from the originally published dates. We had to change to August 28 - 31 to avoid a conflict with another event. For now, here's the basic schedule.

  • Thursday: Copenhagen Am and a ripping session in the outdoor bowl at Fælledparken.
  • Friday: Qualifiers in the brand new bowl at Copenhagen Skatepark.
  • Saturday: The Finals and the above average nightlife we all know and love in Copenhagen.
  • Sunday: A weekend recovery session at Hullet aka The Hole, a DIY spot next to Fælledparken.

I'm ready to go back not now but right now! We'll see you and these guys back in the happiest place on Earth.