Vianez Morales Profile

Two Year Women's Global Ranking
Based on last two years' competition results.
indicates movement in last 30 days.
All Time Global Ranking
Based on competition results from all time.
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Contest History

72nd out of 73 in World Skate Street World Championships at Tokyo Womens Qualifiers
0 Street Points

50th out of 81 in World Championships Sharjah UAE Womens Open Qualifiers Street
0 Street Points

25th out of 35 in Street League World Championships Sao Paulo Womens Quarter Finals
0 Street Points

21st out of 41 in Street League World Championships Sao Paulo Womens Open Qualifiers
0 Street Points

22nd out of 29 in World Skate Street League Pro Tour Los Angeles Women's Street Qualifiers
0 Street Points

26th out of 50 in Street League World Skate London Womens Open Qualifiers Street
0 Street Points

2nd out of 9 in HWJS at Huntington Beach, California - Skateboarding Street Women
45 Street Points

21st out of 37 in Street League World Championships Rio de Janeiro Brazil Womens Qualifiers
0 Street Points

6th out of 9 in HWJS at Tehachapi, California - Skateboarding Mini-Ramp Women's
35 Park Points

1st out of 8 in HWJS at Tehachapi, California - Skateboarding Street Women's
100 Street Points

18th out of 18 in Vans Park Series Global Qualifiers at Huntington Beach Womens Prelims
20 Park Points