I posted a while back about Mark Gonzales' YouTube Channel and the amazing weird videos he posts there. He uses the Paper app for iPad from what I can tell. I use the same one when I pretend I'm an artist and not a nerd. Well, the folks at Paper recently made a great stylus for the iPad that not only works with their app, but others on iPad like Photoshop. Brittany got me the 53 Pen for Christmas and after getting to use it, I think I'm going to use it to clown up every single photo I take from now on.
From the look and feel of it to the packaging to how easy it is to connect it by simply pressing it onto the screen in the Paper App, it's a product that's buttoned up from its tech guts to pretty presentation.
My art career is hereby reborn and I am laying a few of my initial masterpieces at your feet for your retina pleasure. You're welcome.